Sunday, April 1, 2012

Friends or Not?

Hmm.. ever since I work from home.. Facebook has become my new office.. Selling cakes through FB is quite rewarding.. Cyber friends from Facebook Groups sometimes are closer now that I have more time online than offline. I don't really join many groups.. only the ones that I feel belong. Sometimes I've been added by friends to new groups.. I never really leave group.. but not being active either. Sometimes I stumble upon the same friends in many many groups and cannot help wondering.. is it because we have the same passion or problems that we think about..

The question is.. is there any difference between acquaintance, friends, close friends, cyber friends? I do notice that some cyber friends became best friends while best friends become colder and farer since most of my time are spent virtually.. I do notice some of my friendship remain silent and yet warm at heart. There are friends who I don't really contact online or offline but somehow we know we always remember each other. (There are two friends like this, really.. we really do not contact even for years sometimes.. but I know she always think and pray for me..vice versa). Don't ask me how I know but somehow I just know. There are also long lost friends especially those whom you met once long time ago during gathering and remain silent as you have not got the chance to get to know them because you've stopped attending the gathering.

Anyway... I just thought that I might not be in the real friends' list (be it in my own account or in FB groups) when :

1) S/he replies other people's comment but not mine.
2) S/he ignores me completely or giving me the cold shoulder
3) S/he disagrees with whatever I say even when it's just a simple joke
4) S/he stops commenting immediately everytime I comment on the thread
5) She starts doing all of the above after reading this entry
6) all of the above at the same time

This is NOT a NEGATIVE entry okay.. this is just me.. reflecting my FB moment.. I don't really feel small nor do I feel sad.. as I said...I'm merely reflecting.. so.. having said that, are you my friend? If not.. just please 'unfriend' me because you have no right stalking on my life on FB if you're not one hehehe.. or is it part of the plan? being FB friends so that you can see my life easily without being my real friends..

Come to think of it.. I may have a few that I have to 'unfriend' because I'm not doing justice to them.. Taaa!
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