Saturday, May 24, 2014

Signs of a Good Friend..

I just came back from a friend's party. We only see each other once a year or once a two year. Most of the time I contact her when consulting her during my worst time. And she never judge no matter how terrible it sounds. We never really WA nor would we 'like' each other's post all the time at Facebook. When we meet, I normally end up with wheezing in my chest. Too much laughter somehow trigger my allergy.. Nothing serious if it happens once a year.. hehe

Anyway.. I always think of her and everytime I think of her my heart just beamed and it's like a big warm light filling my heart and I know she feels the same too..

Friendship like this is hard to explain.. but what I know is.. she's a gift from Allah.. I have a few friends like her.. Well.. the obvious sign is you don't have to see each other often.. don't have to contact each other often but somehow.. deep in your heart.. you feel blessed just thinking of them.. alhamdulillah..

May Allah grant these kind of friendship barokah and sincerity till jannah.. amiin..


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