Sunday, November 27, 2011

I'm Getting Older ;D

I was doing something else at my computer.. As usual, every Maal Hijrah, tv will be flooded with Malay dramas. Don't get me wrong, I love Malay dramas but then while the kids watch tv, I usually spend time at my computer, playing games, working on stuff that I can't manage to do when Muhammad is around. I do notice one thing lately.. whenever something interesting happened in the drama, I'll go like "what happened?", "why did she die?" bla bla bla.. I guess it happened so often that I realized how irritating I sound to my kids..

I remember those days when my grandma used to visit us.. and she has this habit of narrating and making her own conclusion of the stories hahaha.. I guess.. I'm getting older and I think I've created my own version of my grandma's habit!


  1. hahah nina, hang memang suka membebel pun macam nenek...kekeke

  2. tu la.. kena cepat kawinkan anak biar jadi nenek betul hahaha


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