Monday, April 27, 2009

A Trip to the Hypnotist..

Being a believer in alternative treatment has brought me to accompany my grandma to a hynotist.. yup here in Kajang.. It was my auntie and my dad who took her there. On the third session, I decided to have a look..

It was 1984 since my grandpa passed away.. My grandma's love towards him is just so great that she can never forget him. Always in her handbag is a black and white photo of them.. my grandma and grampa together, crumpled and battered. It is her love for him that caused her to suffer from depression. It has been on and off since his death but it's the worst now..

Surely she is on medication.. but the latest effort was to the hynotist.. When she entered the room with Nabila (the practitioner), we could hear soft music and Nabila trying to console her telling her that everything is from Allah. I wish I could hear everything but then.. it is supposed to be private, of course..

At the end of the session, Nabila explained about Alpha Mind.. where we are in our subconscious mind.. and somehow.. she lead my grandma to use the power of her mind to channel all her negative thoughts into a light bulp. After numerous attempts, and saying "Aku redha ya Allah", "Aku bahagia, ya Allah" again and again, she managed to break a tile using the light bulb. We cheered for her while Nabila kept on saying that she is okay now.. she is healed..

I was really amazed and wonder whether I should try the treatment.. But then, I am not willing to sacrifice a whole lot of money. I somehow remember the book I borrowed from my dad years and years ago "You are What You Believe" by Sharizat. It was a national bestseller then..

Sharizat did mention in her book that all of us have the control to our mind and explained the difference between conscous mind and subconscious mind.

One huge difference is that.. when we are in our conscious mind... we wil be able to reject certain information that we do not want to believe.. If I say "You are stupid", I am sure you will deny this! Oddly enough.. if you say it too often, your mind will transfer the information to your subconscious mind; which will believe whatever information received.. That scares the hell out of me..

I remember when I was still teaching, there will be a lot of parents saying to me during report card day ceremony "Anak saya ni lembab sikit cikgu, malas pulak tu..". Everytime I heard that i'll say "astaghfirullah.."... I wonder if they have said it too often that the children believe them.. Na'uzibillah.. I'm just glad my mom never said that.. she's say "anak bertuah" instead..

We Malays do believe that if you say anything for more than 40 times, it will be a prayer and will be granted.. Of course, when you say anything long enough, you will tend to believe and your mind will make your body works towards it!

I do believe in positive affirmation... I always try to convince myself.. I am a good mother, I am a good cook, I am brave and confident.. I've convinced myself so much that I believe it! After this.. I'm going to have even a longer list of positive affirmation.. hide it somewhere for my eyes only!

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