I've unnececessarily super sensative and super negative lately. Orang tak kacau pun. Kadang-kadang orang niat nak menolong but somehow sometimes it makes you feel like a bad mom.
In my other negative words, some mommies thought that they are sooo perfect that whatever comes out from their mouth makes you feel imperfect in so many ways..
I bend the rules with my kids to get them do things in the house, I give instant noodles, I scrutinise the way they cook giving them details that they got sick of it, I use lollipop as reward, I give breakfast and lunch combined at one go. Breakfast means digging in the fridge for bread (yes, we keep bread in the fridge) and eat it with whatever available while I still sleep. During meals, I normally eat while they help little brothers to eat and they clean up everything while I drink nescafe with dear hubby.
The bottom line is I have a looong list of things that makes me a monster mom. I know how monstrous I can be but I just hate it when people make me feel that I'm one by making certain remarks, give details on how perfect they are as moms. Maybe they are too busy collecting details to inspire other moms but the truth they do not realize how demoralizing they can be.
I vote that we should let MOMs be perfect in their kids eyes. Every mom is perfect in their own way... Try not to judge because like other monstrous moms out there.. there are also other goods things that we do that our kids idolize us soo much. We just don't shout and tell the rest of the world. PeAcE!