Friday, February 28, 2014

Of Superman and Supermom.

I've unnececessarily super sensative and super negative lately. Orang tak kacau pun. Kadang-kadang orang niat nak menolong but somehow sometimes it makes you feel like a bad mom.

In my other negative words, some mommies thought that they are sooo perfect that whatever comes out from their mouth makes you feel imperfect in so many ways..

I bend the rules with my kids to get them do things in the house, I give instant noodles, I scrutinise the way they cook giving them details that they got sick of it, I use lollipop as reward, I give breakfast and lunch combined at one go. Breakfast means digging in the fridge for bread (yes, we keep bread in the fridge) and eat it with whatever available while I still sleep. During meals, I normally eat while they help little brothers to eat and they clean up everything while I drink nescafe with dear hubby.

The bottom line is I have a looong list of things that makes me a monster mom. I know how monstrous I can be but I just hate it when people make me feel that I'm one by making certain remarks, give details on how perfect they are as moms. Maybe they are too busy collecting details to inspire other moms but the truth they do not realize how demoralizing they can be.

I vote that we should let MOMs be perfect in their kids eyes. Every mom is perfect in their own way... Try not to judge because like other monstrous moms out there.. there are also other goods things that we do that our kids idolize us soo much. We just don't shout and tell the rest of the world. PeAcE!


Friday, February 21, 2014

Barang Naik Harga, Hidup Lebih Selesa!

Dah reda dah cerita barang naik. Kalau tak tak habis-habis maki sana, maki sini. Nak komen pun tak berani hahaha.. Anyway.. harga barang naik memang tetap naik. Bayangkan, kedai kami selalu beli barang dapur pun mengeluh, apatah lagi bila dapat sayur naik, dia pun terpaksa naik harga juga.

Our lifestyle changes tremendously. Menu dah kena plan dah sekarang ni. Tak boleh nak main terjah kedai beli ikut suka hati. Portion dah kena kecilkan. Kalau dulu makan 3 kali, sekarang dah jadi 6 kali hehe.. ada snack in between.. Snack pun sesayur hahaha.. Biskut dah kena catu.. Letak bekas kecik dan letak stok di tempat tersorok hahaha..

Masak food based on what's available. Ayam sekarang potong tomyam, separuh ayam boleh dapat 3 meal.  Alhamdulillah, anak-anak sangat positif dengan perubahan baru. Snack pun jenis yang berserat tinggi macam celery, carrots, oats. Leftovers, as always, never goes to waste.

Kaylah.. nanti aii share lagi ya! Tiba2 je terberenti hehhhe


Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ya Allah, Jaga Hatiku Ya Allah..

Allah mampu bolak balikkan hati kita dan memang hati kita sentiasa berbolak balik. Cuma tinggal lagi, takut nyawa kita Allah tarik semasa hati kita berubah. Na'uzubillah.

Kita tak akan lari dari diuji. Hati kita memang selalu diuji. Kalau kaya.. tentunya itu satu ujian. Kalau tak berapa nak ada pun kira diuji juga. Adakalanya hati berkata2 bila kita nampak org ada apa yang kita tak ada. Bila kita ada sesuatu, kita nampak pula apa yang ada lebih sikit dari kita. Bila kita tengok orang yang kurang dari kita, patutnya kita syukur dengan apa yang ada tapi diuji pulak dengan rasa ujub dan riak.

Pendek kata, hati itu susah. Manusia sangat mudah alpa. Syaitan tidak pernah akan putus asa mencuba menggoda. Sekarang ni memang selalu tengok cerita Charmed di HyppTv. Memang character2 demon tu sememangnya benar. Mereka akan dimarahi dan dihukum jika gagal sesuatu misi menggagalkan kebaikan. Bila misi mereka gagal, mereka takut dengan The Source (of.evil) dan kemudiannya The Source akan hantar demon lain dan menghukum demon yang gagal.

Depa tukaq shift. Kita je sorang2 kena lawan tapi selalunya lupa! hehehe

Ya Allah, bantu kami jaga hati kami, ya Allah. Biarlah hati kami dapat merasai kemanisan iman, ya Alllah. Jangan kau duga hati kami, ya Allah kerana penyakit hati itu perit, ya Allah. Penyakit hati membuat kita rasa perasaan yang penuh dengan keluh kesah ya Allah. Penyakit hati membuat kami tak nampak nikmatMu ya Allah. Amiin amiin ya robb.


Friday, February 14, 2014

So, you can build your reputation?

Well, as the title says.. you CAN build your reputation! After all it's all part of the plan. 

One thing I learnt by being part of numerous facebook groups is YES, YOU CAN BUILD YOUR REPUTATION. In fact, I guess I'd say, sometimes, people know your reputation more that you can know about your own.

I've been in many facebook groups and I left many of them as well. Not that I fought or anything but I just don't think I should be in groups without having anything to say. Sometimes I didn't know who added me and somehow I found myself having notifications about the group. 

Anyway, back to the topic, I do realize by now that reputation can be built. In fact, some choose to 'create' their reputation as experts in certain areas so they can build their reputation; which sometimes work for their businessES. I'm not saying that it isn't right, but different people have different ways of using facebook.

A word of advise though. If you create your facebook account just to do business, I'd strongly suggest that you create a page as well and create as many fans as you can. If you choose to be the 'expert' by commenting only comments relating to your business area, that is quite a strategy. The only thing is, mind your language, manners and just don't get offended if people unfriend you and bear in mind that you CAN be reported as spamming and be restricted from adding friends for a certain period of time. 

this is just a mere reflection while I unfriend some strangers whom I add because of the number of mutual friends (and it seems that that person is a total stranger) as well as some cyberfriends who I added because I met at networking sessions and found out that they spam as part of their marketing plan.

PeAce yaw!

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