Monday, May 11, 2015

When It's Just Another Whatsapp / Telegram Group.. *sigh*...

My phone seems cluttered with Whatsapp / Telegram Groups. Well, of course there will be a need for WA Group. It makes parent teacher communication easier as well as 'taman group', old friends' group, primary and secondary school group, and then we have hobby group and the list go on and on and on and on..

Anyway, it goes back to the very same problem.. cluttering images and videos, off-topic topics, gossip, knowledge sharing, viral news.. here it goes..

Basic Problem with the Group

1. Sharing is Caring
Sometimes too much sharing is scary. Certain secrets should remain secret and certain news need not to be shared.That's why it is called the secret!

2. When Pahala is the Main Idea
Many decide WA would be a place to spread 'ilmu yang bermanfaat', so of course, in search of that, many groups are bombarded with these 'ilmu' especially the first thing in the morning. Of course it's not wrong, it's where you share it. PTA group? Not advisable. You tend to turn people off from joining the PTA seriously!

3. Crime Awareness
Crime stories that are shared somehow will turn us into paranoids who keep clutching to our handbag the minute we pass people or worse, we'd rather stay at home instead.

4. People's Problems become Yours
We understand that helping others listening to their own problem makes us worry unnecessarily especially when the same people keep on sharing the same problem again and again and again.

5. It's No Longer Fun when the Group Belongs to Someone
Okay, of course there's a need for admin, but mostly, do you realize that each group will belong to someone. There is always A person who moderate and control the topic or even the MOOD of the group for that particular day. Think hard!

6. People No Longer Talk, They Only Share
It is sad when people no longer talk to each other, instead, people just forward messages they got from other groups. Basically, it's like having a newspaper in the Whatsapp group instead of a place where real people talk.

7. Sometimes, You Just Don't Feel Belong
Do you realize that, you can only respond to certain people as there will be people who respond to certain people only.

8. Screen Capture is a Bridge of Trust
Well, if you have a closed group, don't you think that anything in there belong there and should not be taken outside?

9. Sometimes, There Will be Discussion about this Group in the Other Group
Yup, it happens. 

10. The Scariest Thing is When it's FITNAH, and We Forward it anyway.  
A lot of things are simply not true, but because everyone seem to be sharing it, it seems true.

So, the final question: To leave or not to leave. You decide :D


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