Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Do you Really Listen?

When we care about someone, we really think that we have the right to know every detail in that person's life especially when it involves huge decisions. Sometimes, we were not updated on the things and we get upset because we thought we deserve to know.

However, have you ever thought why people stop telling you about their life?

Try to imagine this. Someone you care most is telling you about issues at his workplace. Do you a) listen and try to figure out what happened? b) focus on his inner feelings about what is happening c) do you try to think how you can help?

Immediately after he told you everything, do you a) agree with whatever he says b) knows exactly what happens because you know him too well c) try to give solution or tips on how to solve the problem.

Most of the time, when people are sharing their problem, they are not that much concerned about how to deal with the problem. Imagine this. You have just told your friend about an issue you have at your office. Immediately after telling him, even before your friend comment on it, how do you feel? Relieved? Do you feel like the burden on your shoulder is a bit lighter?

Then, when your friend opens his mouth to comment. Depending on how your friend responded to your story, you will sometimes feel relieved that you have someone holding your back and sometimes you might feel unsatisfied as the solution that he gives is not what you expected. 

When you tell someone, it is more like getting if off your chest because it burdens you. 

So, why do you think people stopped telling you their issues?

Is it because you come to conclusion? Is it because without giving the opportunity to let them tell you their side  of their story, you have already 'know'. Or is it because you seem to miss some important points because you just hear what you want to hear.

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