Friday, September 16, 2011

Down Memory Lane

I don't know why but lately I've been thinking a lot about school. This year was the year that we decided to bake full time and take some time sorting some things out especially my notes and teaching ideas that are scattered all over the place. A few weeks ago, I started decluttering my house and threw all the school related papers / books that I have been postponing to throw. Well, in case you are wondering.. I quit my job as a teacher in government school in 2007; not because of my passion as a teacher but because I was quite frustrated with the system. Without realizing (until I write this) 2011 is my 4th year being an almost full time mom.

Today, I logged in my 'other' Facebook account where my friends are all ex-students. I don't know why I logged in but when I look through their photo album and their status, it just struck me. It triggers all the sweet and not so sweet memories being a teacher. Having to quit was painful.. my life belong to my students. I should be teaching.. maybe not as a government school teacher but I should never leave teaching. In fact, I never really did..

Ever since I quit, I never really quit teaching completely.. I rested 1 whole year before I started having baking classes with my friends and neighbours, the very next year, I went teaching a completely new sets of students; kindergarten which was more rewarding and satisfying. The next year, I was nursing my baby full time and the year after, only I did full time baking at home. Yet, I did English camp, volunteering myself at my kids' school and friends' places, training kindy teachers and start experimenting with Fun English activities with little children along the way.

May this year be a starting point for me as a better teacher.. 2012.. insyaallah.. (i'll keep my plans to myself).


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