My husband is a bit superbusy lately that I have to take over buying the groceries. (yes, I don't like going out to buy because it's depressing when you have not been doing it for a while). My trips to the grocery shop is a bit upsetting. I somehow have made friends with them. It's like seeing friends instead of going to the grocery shops hahaha... Seriously.. every time I go inside, I'll greet everyone (worker) with salam. I think, some of the customers find it a bit weird but try it, it's great! I always get good service from them because of that (I guess, other than my charming smile ngeee).
Anyway, as contradicting as it sounds, it is a bit upsetting to go when it comes to the paying part. RM50 seems worthless nowadays, I can just spend it in minutes. Even the grocer agreed with me. He told me, spinach which normally costs RM4 per kg is now RM7 and they still have to mark up. I notice that the price increase is a bit too abrupt. I trust them so much that I never really bother to check the price. (Seriously). We have been buying from them since forever, and they will always tell if there's a price increase. They know we are selling cakes and they will give discount without us asking :D
Anyway, back to my recipe book, if planned, I guess, we can create hearty meals. I noticed at Pasar Malam (Night Market) in Bangi, they sell really fresh and cheap vegetables like RM5 for any 3 bunches. I just have to plan my meal so I can keep my vegetables fresh until the end of the week. Chicken is now chopped into smaller portion, divided into different parts like chicken breast (for Ayam masak Halia, spaghetti with white sauce, or chicken mushroom dip and sometimes popcorn chicken for snacking), the bony parts for soup or tom yam, the meaty ones for curry or masak lemak).
I guess, as soon as the new year starts, things are gonna be slightly more expensive because toll is gonna increase which gives a domino effect on the rest of the price. Insyaallah 2014 is gonna be a different year for me.. a busier me as I decided to be a serious blogger.. stay with me ya.. cause there will be updates on how I organise my meal..