Sunday, October 11, 2009

Stressed Out! I guess...

I think I'm a little stressed out. Maybe a few days with my new sleeping schedule tires me.. or perhaps there's something that's bothering me..

I watched Oprah this morning and shocked to hear that throughout America, a lot of mothers get addicted to Meth. Iniatially, they just wanted to try once but somehow got hooked up. Initially Meth made them feel alive and active. One of the mothers confessed that she wanted a cleaner house and noticed that after taking meth, she could clean up the house double time and still had all the energy.. until she found out that she needed higher dose to make her feel high and to give the same effect it had on her earlier.

Weeks later, she seemed to lose it all.. She became aggressive and could not even play mom.. And after 16 months cleared of meth, she still has the urge to use meth.

I am stressed out but not to the extend of doing anything like that. But I do notice, when I decided to declutter my house and try to be as perfect as I can, I tend to develop this constant worrying about everything. The victims are of course my kids. With the lack of sleep, and the English modules that I'm eager to finish (I'll be training next year, insyaallah.. free lance but I haven't really look for any job hehe) as well as the clutter to clear, I think I'm not being fair to myself..

Lately, I have the tendency to have all this craving of pie, tarts, cookies and cakes. The thing is the craving is not only to taste it but to bake.. So, until I bake what I crave, I get a little bit upset with it.

Perhaps it's the confinement thing that stresses me. The fact that I can't go out of the house. I'm just lucky my 4th child is at home with me together with the baby.. At least I have someone to talk to. I think once in a while all of us do get stressed.. Hopefully, I'm able to destress positively..


  1. Nina,

    Hang in there, I know how you feel...sometimes I do feel stress out without knowing the cause...ntah pasai apa pun tak tau...

    anyway, if there's any place yg nak freelance lecturer, do share with me ya...heheh..

  2. Ya la..kekadang kita pun tak tahu apa sebabnya... Betul la tu...bila fikir psl house chores + badan penat, makin buat kita cepat stress

  3. Dikny n kak wan,

    betul.. sometimes without any particular reason.. selalu kalau stress, exercise rasa ok.. tapi dah pantang ni camne nak exercise ek..

  4. nina...pls don't stress out like one... if org yg cool cam u leh jd gitu, apa lagi I...
    sejak shiela jd bibik bertauliah full time ni... shiela cuba sgt2 xnak stress, coz yg jd mangsanyer ramai nanti, at last kita gak yg lagi tension...uuuwwaaaaa


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