My booking date was 30th June 2009. I just got everything settled by yesterday (21std July 2009). Honestly, it was partly myself to be blamed for the delay. But then, if it's not too difficult.. it would have been settled weeks ago.. So, just let me share with you what happened in case you need to deal with Air Asia.
It was not me actually.. flying anywhere, it's my son's teacher who is going back to Jakarta for Raya. We booked really early to get a cheaper fare. It was really cheap. Back and fro, it costed her only RM302.00 including tax, luggage as well as chosen seat for both ways compared to the normal RM600.00 she used to pay.
It would have really easy if I have a credit card instead of a debit card. The problem is, it was told in their site that payment could be made via Maybank2u. If I can make the payment via Maybank2u, it would have been really easy, but we couldn't so I'd try my debit card instead. However, there's an option for Debit Card, but then Maybank Visa (Debit Card) was not one of the options.
When I called up the first time, the salesperson (salesperson no. 1) asked me the time I tried to book the ticket and I told him just before midnight. He checked his computer and said.. it can be done now. The problem is, I told him, if I failed I have to call them again and .. their line is always busy. He simply asked me to try again. I hung up and tried again, still I could not make the payment.
Annoyed, I called them again, this time another salesperson (salesperson no. 2)said "why don't you click on the MEPs icon" I had to hang up since I was not in front of the computer.. (clever me) and I swear, there's no such icon. I had to call again, this time it was a different salesperson (salesperson 3), she told me that some of the flights are not supported by Maybank2u payment and suggested that I go to their sales counter at either KL Sentral or LLCT. Then, the problem would be solved. Okay... by this time I felt much better, at least she didn't ask me to click on an non-existent button. But is it worth it to go to KL Sentral or drive 50 minutes to LCCT?
The problem with paying at the post office is you have to book via the telephone. At this point, you are not able to choose a seat as it is not a confirmed booking. So, basically, I have to go to the post office and make the payment for the ticket and the tax (RM277.00+a whopping RM2.50 for the commission). Then, I have to call up again to choose a seat and luggage, and then go back to the post office and make the payment for it.
That's what I did. I paid for the booking. Exactly after I was out of the post office, I called up Air Asia and I told her I have already made the payment. She told me (salesperson 4), the payment is still pending. Asking where my location is, she told me, depending on the location of the post office, it may take 2 days to clear. Until the payment is clear, I can't pick my seat and pay for my luggage. What? That was another big mistake that I made. I actually made the payment at POS at Tesco instead of a big one. It may take a longer time to clear. [sigh]..
By this time, I called Azly (my husband) and tuuuuttt ttuuuutt ttuuuutt... I was really furious. I called my bestfriend, and told her I should have gone to her house for a favour of using her credit card and pay her cash. I really don't mind paying whatever commission and the service charge to her instead of all the hassle at the post office..
The next step was to wait two days for the payment to be cleared. So, I waited and received an email from AirAsia that my booking is confirmed. The next step was to call them and choose a seat, make the payment and get it confirmed. Easy right? Nope! This time, instead of going to the post office, I tried to make payment using my debit card. The salesperson (salesperson no 5) told me that he can try to charge it using my debit card. Then, I realized that I have taken all my money out to save all this RM1 charges when if I take out bit by bit. I only had RM22.00 in the account and the seat and luggage would cost me RM20.00 He told me it might not be possible. So, I told him, I'll call him later once I have transferred some money.
My husband transferred money in my account and I called them up again. This time, a lady salesperson (salesperson no 6) told me that I have to make payment by 15 July or the booking for the seat is cancelled. It was 14 July and I was furious as nobody told me that there was a dateline for the payment. I was just too busy with my son's sports day to be bothered with the payment. She told me, after the phone booking, I can't make any payment using POS Malaysia but have to pay at the sales counter instead (KL Sentral or LCCT). Debit card was also out of the question. #@!^&%!!! I argued. I told her I'm not driving to LCCT just to pay RM20.00. She put me on hold to ask her supervisor.
She agreed that I could pay at POS Malaysia and jotted down a note there. The problem is when it will take 2 days to clear and they might not hold my seat. Desperate, with my best friend's credit card no in my hand, I called them up and decided to make the payment for once and for all.. This time, a male salesperson with a very fluent native-like slang answered (salesperson no 7) and he called me MAM.. That was a good sign!
I told him about me wanting to make the payment using credit card.. As expected, he asked me to give him the card number and I gave it to him. Then, he asked me the card's expiry date (opps!!) as well as the security number at the back of the card. I hesitated, "I thought the security number is private and you are not supposed to share it with anyone". He patiently explained, when you are making an online transaction, of course it is dangerous to expose the number. But then, when you are making payment using phone booking, we cannot proceed unless we have the number". I was really confused. Okayla.. it was for security purposes. But I dare not take the risk.
Actually.. the security number was the reason why I didn't want to make the payment using my bestfriend's credit card. I simply don't want to know her security number though she does not really mind sharing with me since we are really close and she never doubted that I'd do any harm with her security number.
But then, I told her, I savior (is there such a word).. okayla.. I treasure our friendship more. In case anything happens with her credit card and it has nothing got to do with me.. of course it's gonna be really crazy I don't even want to imagine what will happen.
Anyway.. since it's gonna be a hassle, I decided to stick to making the payment at the post office. I told him that I was told earlier that the seat booking is reserved for me only if I the payment is clear by 15th July by midnight. "It's not advisable to make the payment at the post office if the date of the flight is near, mam" (that was about 2 months before the departure actually).. I told him the flight is not gonna be near soon, it's just the expiry date for my seat reserve. Still, he insisted that I should not make the payment at the post office if it's too near the date of the departure. I was even more confused. Then he gave me an option whether I can pay using credit card, or pay at the sales counter or the last option that he does not really favour is to pay at the gate on the departure itself. Blimey, it's like a never ending circle..
I suggested that he cancelled my seat booking and rebook, hoping that I'll get the chosen seat and a longer expiry date so that I don't have to worry about the payment being cleared before 15th July. My son's teacher told me that, if we don't choose any seat and pay in advance, you'll end up in a mess walking here and there looking for an empty seat and I understand completely. I myself would rather pay extra RM10.00 so that I can go straight to my chosen seat than the trouble of pushing here and there just to get a seat.
Perhaps he didn't get the idea.. or perhaps my Malaysian English does not match his native slang that he had trouble understanding. I told him I'll just pay and see what happens. He told me that once the payment is cleared, I'll get a confirmation (I assumed via e-mail like when I booked the flight).
After making the payment at the Bangi Post Office, I waited for the e-mail. I did asked POS Malaysia and they said it should be cleared by midnight the same day. I made the payment on the 14th, the payment was cleared on the 15th and yet on 21st, I still haven't received the e-mail. I called AirAsia for the final time. The salesperson (salesperson no 8) told me that if I have an account online, I can just check my booking under "Manage my Booking". But then, lucky me, I quickly remembered that I did ask my husband to check my booking online but he did mention to me that it was not possible to check online when you make phone booking. He received like.. you are not authorized to blah blah blah. I told this to her and she said she'll e-mail me the details. That was the only time when I got it straight on the spot. A few minutes after that, I received my e-mail.. confirming my luggage payment as well as the seat. Finally.. Alhamdulillah.. It was a loonnngg journey to Jakarta.. even before you board the flight..
I printed the e-mail and asked my son to send straight to the teacher. She was relieved. Imagine, she gave me RM300.00 cash. That was at the end of June, and she finally received the booking detail on 21st July. Luckily.. the date of the booking as well as the date of payment was stated in the e-mail which is 30th June. I really don't want her to think that I must have used the money first..
At the same time, I learnt a lot of new things. Honestly (and surprisingly).. I have this fobia of dealing with people whom I don't know on the phone. It's just awkward to pick up the phone and talk to strangers. But then, knowing that someone relied on me for the ticket and it actually save her RM300.00, I braved myself and did it anyway.. In return, I managed to overcome my fear and learnt it the hard way.. I thank Allah for the lesson. Normally, I'll just get my husband to do any phone call like this..
Hopefully, if there is any next time.. I know exactly how to do it.. Or perhaps, I should have just brought a notebook, went online and get someone to pay using their credit card and pay straight to them.. or the best thing is to go straight to their ticketing counter though it takes 50 minutes of driving but I can just get it done and over with there and then rather that making a few phone calls and go through all the hassle..
My phone bill is higher that usual.. not because of the number of phone calls that I made to Air Asia but the waiting time.. listening to their "konon2nya" soothing music and the prompts "Thank you for calling Air Asia, All of our salepersons are busy, blah blah blah..or feel free to call us back later" after every 15 seconds.. But then.. the experience is PRICELESS!

Air Asia oh Air Asia